prepare couscous and seven vegetables

prépare couscous and seven vegetables


* 1 kg of couscous
* 1 kg of meat
* Tea Cup oil
* Besltan Moktatan longitudinally
* Salt to taste
* Teaspoon black pepper (pepper)
* Teaspoon saffron
* Teaspoon ginger (knife Jubayr)
* Half a kilogram of carrots (purified, cut lengthwise and removed by the pulp)
* Half a kilogram of white and yellow turnips (purified, cut lengthwise)
* Half a kilogram of lots Alslaouip (healed, cut lengthwise)
* Half-kilogram lots of red (healed, wash well)
* Half a kilogram of green beans
* Half a kilogram of cabbage (Akarmb) (les choux)
* Half a kilogram of tomatoes (washed and still skin, seed and cut into small pieces)
* Fixed a bunch of Aelkezbr thread
* Adequate water (approximately 3 liters)
* 100 grams of chickpeas, soaked in water and washed well
How to prepare couscous

* Put 1 kg of couscous in a bowl and sprinkle half a liter of water, salted, called Hand in the light to separate the grains from each other and add two tablespoons of oil and Tzhn of all grains couscous almost.
* Put couscous in Alkskas painted a little oil, which in turn is placed on the pot (Twine).
* By locksmith close much so as not to leak steam from its aspects.
* When he climbs over the couscous steam density Alkskas lifted from the much hurt and couscous in bowl and sprinkle a quarter liter of cold water with a twist lightly to separate the grains from each other.
* Re-development of couscous in the Alkskas ripening again for about half an hour (ie, when he climbs heavily on steam couscous). Then lifted from the pot (Twine) and placed in the bowl and sprinkle about 125 cells of cold water with a twist lightly to separate the grains from each other, be the third time in the couscous Alkskas for ripening the third time, and when he climbs over the couscous steam raising Alkskas heavily over much (Twine), and is in the bowl and painted Municipal ghee, taking care to separate the couscous grains from each other lightly while it was still hot.
* And finally placed in the bowl round and the overabundance of the waist.

Way to prepare sauce couscous

* Put the pieces of meat and onions in the pot section (Twine), and empty oil and salt and pepper (black pepper), saffron and a teaspoon of ghee and fry the ginger and all is well with constant stirring, then added two liters of water and then just close and leave to simmer for half an hour.
* Add the chickpeas, carrots, turnips, and Akarmb (cabbage), tomatoes and beans, as well as a bouquet Aelkezbr balance the red thread, and lots and lots Alslaouip and add a little water sufficient to complete the cooking on the fire of moderate simmer until all is done much on fire.
* Put couscous Almzhon ghee Municipal bowl round and the overabundance of the middle, then placed the pieces of meat, and vegetables irrigated by covering all Soups and provides hot.
* Progress Kassa Zlevat with aspects of the sauce in the table and eating appetizers